• History.
The Tanzania Peace Initiative Foundation, (T.P.I.F ) was formed in 2012 by three important figure Namely Mr. Mogisha D. Rwegoshora Mr. Imamu M. Vuai, and Mr. Aristides Kabendera. Who were perusing Bachelor of Art in Conflict Resolution and Peace Building at Kampala International University Dar-es Salam College in 2010-2013.  Tanzania Peace Initiative Foundation has established close multifunctional links with public, international organization, private institution and individual to realize and advocate its aim and objectives toward serving the Tanzania society, and international community at large.
  • Organization  Structure
under construction
  • Vision & Mission.
mission; To contribute in to building a peaceful society for social and economic development

vision; A peaceful Tanzania society that strive for social and economic development
  • Our Objective.
1.    To educate and raise awareness to community and general public on the importance of peace and development.
2.    To facilitate peace building process through the promotion of human right and democracy.
3.   To facilitate conflict resolution and management in the community, national and international level.

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